English Drama
Teacher in charge |
Name |
Email Address |
Overall Teacher in charge |
Mr Loh Suay Yeow (IC) |
Teacher in charge |
Ms Ng Yen Hui Ivy (2IC) |
About Us
English Drama is one of the school’s Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) CCAs. The objective of the English Drama is to provide opportunities for students to develop a lifelong passion for the arts. Through the activities and events during CCA, students will develop 21st century competencies, social emotional competencies and values.
English Drama also hopes to provide a platform for like-minded individuals to collaborate creatively together and establish lifelong friendships. Students attend theatre production theory lessons and learn characterisation from our dedicated drama instructor, Mr Fadhil.
Key Programmes and Achievements
Singapore Youth Festival 2023: (Certificate of Accomplishment)
Training Days and Hours
Training days |
Time |
Venue |
Wednesdays |
1500 to 1730 |
F21 Classroom |
Fridays (alternate weeks) |
1415 to 1730 |
F21 Classroom |